TAW Wiki
F-22 Air Dominance Fighter
Total Air War 2

by The_Nephilim

How to Join a Multiplayer Session in TAW

Click Multiplayer in the Main menu


Select "Internet TCP/IP Connection for DirectPlay" Then Select "Join Game" Lower Left


A "Locate Session" Box will appear top left Type in the IP of the "Host", which should be provided by the host and written down before the game starts

Note: the use of a DNS address in lieu of a specific IP has been tested successfully as well. Taw3xd5

Once you Type in the IP of the Host you will see His/Her Callsign appear in the "Games in Progress"


Now click on the Host's Name in the Games in Progress Box you will see it say Connecting


It will now connect and you will now see in the Games in Progress Box make sure it is highlighted in Blue as that will be the game you wanna join then click Join Game Lower left


If you successfully Connected you will Now be in the Interface


You are not able to do anything until the Host set's up the server, then once the Host clicks Start you will be taken to the next Interface screen where you can read the Debrief and discuss the Mission When you are ready Click "OK"


After you click OK you will get a Green Check mark next to your name showing all you are ready


Once everybody clicks OK you will be In game and Online with TAW.



How to Host a Multiplayer Session in TAW

Start TAW Select Multiplayer


Select "Internet TCP/IP Connection for DirectPlay" Then Select NEW GAME


Then you are in the Interface and Others can Now Join You

Note: the host menu has changed in TAW 2008 v1.5 and TAW 2.0 to allow for inclusion of the ADF/RSO campaign missions. While the screenshots do not reflect this, the principle for online hosting remains identical. The following text reflects this change.


From here you can Select Head to Head or Co-Op Missions. There are a few to choose From.

You can Also Select ADF/RSO and now for the first time, play the original campaign missions from Air Dominance Fighter and Red Sea Operations in a multiplayer session.

You can Select Custom Mission, here you can select Online Players against AI Planes of All Types. You can Select missions to go after Ground Vehicles Of all types and Ships too!!

Well Hope you enjoyed this little Guide and We Hope to see you in the NOT so Friendly Skies ;)
